18 July 2019: "Il Salotto Espago 5 episode"for TELEMILANO( Italian Music Channel)

In this episode guests: in addition to models, actors, acresses, managers, there are me (Valentino Papandrea), my sister Sara Papandrea and my friend Sarah Di Maio. Among the 4-legged guests: "SofficiNuvole WhiteAngels Keanu Reeves", our chocolate colourpoint stud, "WhiteAngels Jeremy Red", young red point bicolour boy (son of our Lonercok Harrow and our WhiteAngels Blizard) and "Lady Evee", blue point mitted female kitten(daughter of Amberglade Hercules and WhiteAngels B.Sissi). Thanks to our friend and presenter: "Eleonora Cassandra Espago",to the photographer Stefano Scala Press and to all the Telemilano staff!

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